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The Mystery Traitor

This one's from our very own OWK :P

"The Mystery Traitor" by Kurt

An companion for the lists of parody PRT and LRT...
-- Dedicated to "Alex" --

The Mystery Traitor

An unknown extra-dimensional ship enters the galaxy broadcasting a message
expressing a willingness to trade in exchange for (5000+ kt) of minerals.
What is not known is that the message is being falsly translated. The actual
message is "Now go away, or I will be forced to taunt you a second time..."
Perhaps this is the fault of an atrocious French accent.

The Mystery Traitor has realized that the players are onto his scheme of
galactic domination via benevolent trade. Those days are over and the gloves
have come off...

All fleets intercepting the MT that do not fit the criteria are immediately
destroyed and their debris left as an example that the MT doesn't like to to
trifled with (and LIKES stepping on "bugs".) Fleets that do qualify trigger
one of the following actions:

1. A "MT Peerless Neutron Hush-a-Boom of Death" aka "bug bomb" is triggered
that kills all life in a 200 ly radius. A message "How do you like them
apples" is transmitted to all players as well.

2. The cargo and carrying fleet is converted into a packet and then flung at
Warp 15 at the nearest planet occupied by the race attempting trade.

3. The fleet is absorbed. It is then converted into energy and used to power
the "MT Wave-Motion Flux Capacitor Planetbuster Ray(tm)" that is turned upon a
random world occupied by the race attempting trade. This planet is utterly
destroyed. It has been erased from existance...

4. The fleet is absorbed. Then a fleet of MT Lifeboats are released to
rampage in the galaxy with the player who attempted trade set as "enemy".

5. The fleet is absorbed. The player receives a special ship containing a
special orbital device of unknown qualities. Upon reaching orbit of a planet
occupied by that player the ship destroys any existing space station and
replaces it with the orbital "Temple of the MT God". The player receives no
benefits. The temple demands the worship of the player and the yearly
sacrifice of 1000kt of minerals unless the player wishes to risk its wrath.

6. The fleet is absorbed and the MT makes a burping sound.

7. The fleet is rejected because it brought too much "yucky" Boranium.

8. The fleet is rejected and destroyed out of hand.

by Kurt