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New PRT's

New PRT time...


*Inter-Stellar Reveller*
Your race likes to party. You spread the joy around. Everyone likes you, except for a few power-mad interstellar emporers, who often send their fleets to destroy you. If only they could convince the crews of these ships you were evil...

_Any_ ship orbiting a planet you control has a chance to defect to your side every turn - roughly Population/100,000 %. (Cargo will be jettisoned to get to the party faster and prevent super-breeders.) If there are enemy ships left (likely), battle will then ensue, as your newly converted ships go on a drunken cruise.

*Planet Demolition*
You like to blow things up. You're really good at it, and don't restrict yourself to deep space like those pansy SDs, either.

Bombs cost you half as much and are twice as effective. (Double kill #s and percentages, as well as installations destroyed.) You aslo have access to the retro bomb (Finally a use for it!), the Apple Bomb (twice as effective as a Cherry), and the "Planetcracker" series of bombs. (Destroy only defenses.) Only you can build the the B-2 and B-99 bomber hulls. (B-2 is gateable and has 130dp and a shield slot to survive mines, B-99 is a "Dreadnaught" bomber).

Everyone hates you. Live with it.

*Jack o' Lantern*
All of your ships get inbuilt 30X/60X (X is your Elec tech level) scanner with 5% intrinsic tachyon detection. You can build additional TDs when you earn that technology. You cannot use cloaks.

SS hates you. Live with it.

*Alternate Morality*
You don't approve of war one bit. You would rather die.

And you do. A lot.

Your race is similar to the standard AR, but you can never research, build, or even fire a (presumably traded) weapon. You cannot build remote miners, as the only purpose of such obscene quantities of minerals is (obviously) warfare.

In compensation, you get double the growth rate listed in the RW, and colonists who grow in transport like IS.

Find an ally. Now.

*Stupor Stealth*
You are the intergalactic equivalent of a couch potato. No one notices you unless you move.

You get a base 98% built-in cloak as long as you aren't moving. Various activities (minelaying, moving (higher Warps are worse), fighting, loading, etc.) reduce this. Tachyon detectors _don't_ reduce this.

Your lazy colonists produce resources at half the rate listed in the RW. Luckily, your factories and mines are automated.

*Inner Stench*
Your colonists _stink_. Colonies you occupy are -15% terraformed for everyone but you. Ex - you have Rad 50, Scoobis have Rad 40, Shaggis have rad 60. If you settle Lopsided (rad 42), the Shaggies now see it as rad 27, the Scoobis as rad 57. You still see it as rad 42, and can terriform normally. This effect lingers even after you leave the planet.

Everyone hates you. Live with it.

*Pickpocket Physics*
You have access to all the normal PP flingers, but suffer from IST penalties while using them yourself. However, any enemy planet withing "range" (1 year warp at nominal speed) of one of your flingers loses 1% of its minerals each turn, and packets in range lose 10%. (Not cumulative.) You get them.

Everyone hates you. Live with it.

*Hyper Competitor*
You love a challenge. You cannot set any race to ally or neutral, nor use the "attack no one" battle order - your ships and bases will always attack anyone they can. It's not personal or anything, but your colonists will use any excuse to fight.

You get the WM movement and colonist attack bonii, and fratricide amonst your own people limits your planet size. (HE settings, but without the special hulls.) Striving amonst your ship crews results in a 1% chance of destruction every year they're not in a serious fight. (Serious = losses on both sides.)

Everyone hates you. Live with it.

Your colonists love Ironium. You mine ironium at double your listed mining efficiency. However, your colonists refuse to give any iron away to anyone. You cannot transfer ironium to any planet without one of your starbases in orbit, lest Ironium be wasted. You cannot load colonists from a planet unless you take all the ironium first. If your colonists or ships are killed, they take the ironium with them into the next life. You cannot trade ships, for similar reasons. Even a SS cannot take any of your precious ironium.

You know the Iron concentration of every planet in the galaxy from the start. For astetic reasons, factories and mines cost you 2 ironium in addition to the usual expense.

You tend to have big fleets of missile ships. Killing them results in no Ironium for the victors.

Everyone hates you. Live with it.

*Tax Adjuster*
You steal intelligence like a SS, only all the other races _lose_ research equivalent to what you gained. (Min total 0 points, so no race loses tech.) You also get free minerals at your HW equal to 1% of all the minerals mined in the galaxy. Everyone else loses 5% of mining as long as you own your HW. (There are some regrettable inefficiencies in the system.)

Everyone hates you. Live with it.


by Martin Leslie Leuschen